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How Cleaning & De-Cluttering Can Help Your Mental Health

How Cleaning & De-Cluttering Can Help Your Mental Health

You’ve likely heard of the phrase, “tidy house, tidy mind,” but did you know that those words actually hold some merit? When you think about your mental health, cleaning your home might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but it can actually have a huge impact on your mental well-being. For some, coming home to a clean and organized home can actually help them de-stress and unwind after an overwhelming. For others, taking the time to tidy, clean, and organize their home can be just as beneficial as doing yoga or meditation.

We’ve highlighted just a few of the ways Vernon Storage Centre can help you tidy and organize your home, which might just leave you with a healthier, happier state of mind.

Woman packing clothes into boxes for storage

Cleaning & Mental Health: Start Small When Organizing

Organizing your entire home can be extremely overwhelming, especially if you are struggling with your mental health, which is why it’s important to start small. Rather than tackling your home all at once, start out by doing one room at a time, or if that is still too much, take it one section of a room at a time. Starting in a smaller room, such as a bedroom, is a great way to ease into the organizing process without feeling too overwhelmed. Clothes are a great place to start. Try creating three separate piles or boxes, one for items to keep, one for items to store, and one for items to donate.

Going through each article of clothing one by one is a great way to start the de-cluttering process, as it allows you to focus on a single item at a time rather than an entire room. When you’ve finished, you can put the clothes in your keep pile away while boxing the other two piles up for storage and donation. If you’re looking for an easy solution that will keep your items safe until you need them next, we offer several different sizes of storage units that could be the perfect solution.

Woman organizing shelving in room

Ask Yourself Questions

It is important to be mindful when going through the tidying and de-cluttering process, especially if improving your mental health is your goal. Asking yourself questions throughout the process is a great way to keep yourself focused, while also creating an atmosphere for yourself that supports your goal. It can be easy to get caught up in the emotions and sentiments we may hold towards particular items, so here are a few examples of some questions to keep in the back of your mind.

  • Would my daily life be impacted if I didn’t have this item?
  • Is this item adding value to my life right now?
  • Could this item be of use to someone else?
  • Does this item support my current priorities and values?

Asking yourself these questions while de-cluttering is a great way to assess the value of each item and really determine whether it is serving you, or whether you can let it go. There might be items that you don’t currently have the need or space for, but you aren’t ready to part with them, and that’s okay. Consider tucking those items away in a self-storage until you are ready to either bring them back into your life or part with them.

Mother cleaning living room with her two children

Get The Family Involved

Organizing and de-cluttering your home is a great opportunity to get the entire family involved. It can be overwhelming to tackle the entire space yourself, so bringing in help can be a huge relief. It can also be hard, but remember that most people, especially friends and loved ones, are always willing to lend a helping hand. When it comes to organizing your children’s rooms, get them involved in the process! Not only will it help get the job done faster, but it can also help instill valuable lessons and can lead to more bonding time with your family.

If the task is too big for you and your family to tackle alone, consider bringing in outside help, such as a professional cleaning company. This could be beneficial for an overall organization project, but if your budget allows for it, you could consider bringing them in once or twice a month. Have them tackle harder jobs, such as cleaning bathrooms, while you handle the tidying of more general areas throughout your home.

Once you’ve tackled the organizing and de-cluttering of your space, don’t forget to take some time to enjoy the satisfaction of having completed such a large task. Taking care of your home with intention and love helps send a message to yourself that you are worth the time and effort, and are deserving of a comfortable, tidy space.



Looking for storage solutions for the clutter taking up your space? We can help! Contact us today to learn more about our self-storage options.